Scrum Product Owner

About The Course:

When starting to work in an Agile environment there are a lot of questions. Where do I fit in the new organisation? How do I make sure the things I need are being done? How do I know when things will be delivered?

Good handling of the product backlog and its contents is crucial to the success of Agile organisations. But even with that known, it is surprisingly hard to get a starting point for Product Owners and Product Managers alike.

This two day course addresses that need by providing tools and practices for developing and maintaining a product backlog, teaching you how to visualise your product backlog in order to collaborate better with your stakeholders, showing you how to use backlog refinement to provide the right level of information for the teams who will be working on the items, and giving you the tools for collaborative requirement creation in this new world.

Learning Goals:

Day 1

Day 2

If possible on day 2 we will try to work with the actual materials from your organisation. Applying the tools and concepts being taught on your actual work product to give you real world experience in using these tools.

Get started by booking a discussion to assess your needs.

About The Teacher:

Jeff is an Agile Coach living in Gothenburg Sweden, but is born and raised in Canada. He considers the discovery of Agile and Lean to be one of the most defining moments of his life, and consider helping others to improve their working life not to simply be a job, but a social responsibility. As an Agile Coach he has worked with driving Agile transformations in organisations both small and large. During his time as a coach in one of the world’s largest telecoms, Ericsson AB, one business unit was able to reduce their global lead time by 30% and their defects in production by 95%.

Jeff is also involved in the Agile community outside of the work place being one of the founding members of Gothenburg Sweden’s largest agile community at 300+ members, a community run agile discussion group. And also organises the yearly conference

Some clients

ComHem Ericsson Nethous Informator
Trafikverkets Förarprov Jeppesen Mobily Visionael
Lavasoft GoCityGöteborg HP Volvo